Each patient receiving service at CHEMED shall have the following rights and responsibilities:
Each patient has the right to be informed of these rights, as evidenced by the patient’s written acknowledgment, or by documentation by staff in the medical record, that the patient was offered a written copy of these rights and given a written or verbal explanation of these rights, in terms the patient could understand. The facility shall have a means to notify patients of any rules and regulations it has adopted governing patient conduct in the facility.
Courteous Treatment
The patient has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect by the CHEMED staff. The patient has the right to be free from mental and physical abuse, free from exploitation, and free from the use of restraints other than authorized by a physician for a limited time. The patient shall not be required to perform work for the facility unless the work is part of the patient’s treatment and is performed voluntarily by the patient.
Appropriate Health Care
The patient has the right to appropriate care based on individual needs. The care should enable the patient to achieve their highest level of physical and mental functioning. The patient has the right to expect and receive appropriate assessment, management and treatment of pain.
Information about Treatment
The patient has the right to be given complete and current information concerning their diagnosis, treatment, alternatives, risks and prognosis. This information should be in terms and language that the patient can understand. In cases where it is medically inadvisable, the patient’s guardian or another person named by the patient will be given the information. The patient has the right to be informed of services available in the facility, of the names and professional status of the personnel providing and/or responsible for the patient's care.
Participation in Planning Treatment
The patient has the right to participate in the planning of your health care. This right includes the opportunity to discuss treatment and alternatives with the provider. The patient who does not speak English shall have access, where possible, to an interpreter. Patients shall have the right to have an advance directive or health care proxy. The patient has the right to be informed if the facility has authorized other health care and educational institutions to participate in the patient’s treatment.
Right to Refuse Care
The patient has the right to refuse any and all treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequence of such action. If the patient fails to follow their healthcare provider’s instructions, or if the patient refuses care, they are responsible for their own actions. The patient has the right to be included in experimental research only when the patient gives informed, written consent to such participation.
Confidentiality of Records
The patient has the right for their records to remain confidential, and may refuse their release to someone outside the facility program limited only by state statutes, rules, regulations, or imminent danger to the individual or others.
Personal Privacy
The patient has the right to every consideration of their privacy, individuality and cultural identity as related to their social, religious and psychological well-being. CHEMED staff must respect the patient’s privacy by knocking and seeking consent before entering, except in an emergency.
Financial Responsibility
The patient assumes financial responsibility for all services either through their insurance or by paying at the time of service.
The patient has the right to voice grievances and recommend changes without fear of retaliation. To voice a grievance you may contact the CHEMED 1771 Madison Ave. Lakewood N.J. 08701 Attn: Patient Satisfaction, (732) 364-2144 x214 or x111 (voicemail only) or The NJ Department of Health Complaint Hotline at 1-800-792-9770.
- To provide the Health Center with accurate medical information.
- To ask all questions they have regarding treatment provided by the Health Center.
- To inform the Health Center if the medical procedures or instructions are not understood.
- To follow after-care instructions as recommended by the Health Center.
- To provide all necessary information regarding third-party payor sources or health insurance plans.
- To observe the Health Center’s policies and procedures.
- To keep scheduled appointments or advice the center if canceling.
We at CHEMED respect your privacy. This is part of our code of ethics. We are required by law to maintain the privacy of 'protected health information' about you, to notify you of our legal duties and your legal rights, and to follow the privacy policies described in our Notice of Privacy Practices. 'Protected Health Information' means any information that we create or receive that identifies you and related to your health or payment for services to you.
Every patient is given a Notice of Privacy Practices that explains how CHEMED may use or disclose your information for treatment, payment or operational purposes, as well as your legal rights regarding that information. Every patient is asked to sign a consent form to permit all such uses and disclosures. If you have questions about our policies and procedures, requests to exercise individual rights, or a concern about your privacy please speak to a receptionist or contact 732-364-2144, x206. You can also submit a complaint to the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington D.C. 20201, Hotline: 1-800-368-1019. We will never retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
This practice serves all patients. Discounts for essential services are offered depending upon family size and income. You may apply for a discount at the front desk.
You are responsible for all charges. Copays must be paid at the time of service. Please bring your health insurance cards to all visits.
No child may be left alone on premises – even if the parent/guardian is in another area of the Health Center.
I have read and understand the above, have had an opportunity to ask questions about this information, and I consent to the evaluation and treatment of myself/my child. I also attest that I have the right to consent for treatment for myself or I am the legal guardian and have the right to consent for the treatment of this child. I understand that I have the right to ask questions of my/my child’s service provider about the above information at any time.